our second stage presents
Certificate Of Life
By Ron Elisha
Every year, just before her birthday Clara Reich has been compelled to attend the German Consul and, in a supreme irony, present them with a Lebensbescheinegung: A Certificate Of Life.
In this way, the German government satisfies itself that the recipients of its reparation persions are indeed still alive.
Clara, of course, has never forgotten what happened to her. Never forgotten and never forgiven. She exists in the shadow of the Holocaust. And with her daughter, each year, they attend the German Consul, in order to prove that Clara is still alive.
But is she?
Certificate Of Life is a dark, blackly comic, ferocious, compelling and ultimately deeply moving exploration of what it is to be human and to be alive.
Certificate of Life opened in April 2017 at the Camera Theatre in Tel Aviv and was a smash hit - running for over two years. The Camera Theatre, Israel's largest, plays to more than a million patrons per year.
"... a sensitive study... a witty play... an almost perfect comedy." Jerusalem Post.
Recorded at ARA Darling Quarter Theatre on Friday 28th August
Proudly supported by Monkey Baa Theatre Company
With Valerie Bader, Sandie Eldridge and Kate Skinner
Directed by Moira Blumenthal