Moira blumenthal Director/ founder
Moira has directed and produced mainstream theatre internationally since 1988. Moira established and managed The Rosebank Theater in Johannesburg. When emigrating to Sydney in 1996 she worked as a Production Consultant a the Seymour Centre for 8 years where she conceived and produced The Best of Independent Theatre program for four season.
She directed and co-produced with Shalom; The Chosen and My Name is Asher Lev, based on the novels by Chaim Potok; Coming to See Aunt Sophie by Arthur Feinsod and You will not Play Wagner by Victor Gordon with Timothy Daly’s The Man in the Attic produced in 2018. Recent productions have included The God of Isaac in 2019 and Stories from the Violins of Hope in 2023.
During COVID, she produced a series of staged readings called Our Second Stage, which gave Australian playwrights a platform to present new work.
Other directing and producing credits include Falsettos, Oleanna, Ghetto, Into the Woods, Collected Stories, Amadeus, Skin Tight, Sweet Phoebe, Leaning Towards Infinity, Earl, The Shoehorn Sonata, It’s a Dad’s Thing, Mooi Street Moves, Pieter Dirk Uys’ Elections and Erections at the Sydney Opera House, Love,Loss and What I Wore, Bombshells, Address Unknown, A Woman in Black, and From Door to Door.
Moira has a Master of Arts in Cultural and Creative Practice from the University of Western Sydney.

tim mcgarry
Passionate about interrogating, developing and devising new Australian work, Tim trained at the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts and works as a writer, director, dramaturge and a devising theatre maker. He is currently a commissioned writer for The Art House Wyong and Riverside Theatres, Parramatta to write a new play based on Colleen McCullough’s award-winning novel Tim. In 2019 Tim was commissioned by Queensland Theatre to create a theatre script based on Trent Dalton’s Boy Swallows Universe with the production premiering at the 2021 Brisbane Festival. Tim’s been commissioned by the Australian Chamber Orchestra (ACO) to write and direct a new work based on Margaret Wild’s There’s a Sea in My Bedroom, the Sydney Opera House to write and directed Music for the Dreaming and Sounds like Australia. He devised a new work for the SSO with Simon Tedeschi Who Needs A Conductor Anyway.
Between 2005-2017 Tim was a Creative Director and Producer at Monkey Baa Theatre Company, one of Australia’s largest touring companies for young audiences, where he co-wrote and produced nearly 20 new Australian works. Tim directed multi award winning The Peasant Prince – The True Story of Mao’s Last Dancer. He also enjoys a successful career as an actor, mostly recently performed in White Box’s The Campaign, Moira Blumenthal’s The God Of Isaac and Sport for Jove’s Cyrano De Bergerac.

timothy daly
Timothy Daly is one of Australia’s most internationally-produced playwrights, with a string of national and international productions to his credit. Actors such as Academy-Award winners Cate Blanchett, Jacki Weaver and Geoffrey Rush have appeared in his plays. His play Kafka Dances has won over a dozen national and international awards since its première, and is one of the most internationally-performed Australian play of all time. His play The Man in the Attic was awarded Australia’s most prestigious award for a new play, the Patrick White Playwrights’ Award. It has been in Italy, Greece and at the Festival of Avignon in 2012, 2013, 2015 and 2018.. The play received its Australian première at the Eternity Theatre in Darlinghurst, directed by Moira Blumenthal. Timothy Daly has advised on or edited hundreds of scripts in both Australia and the USA.
marketing and publicity
Marketing Communications Consultant Jacqui Bonner Marketing and Management
Alexis Fishman for the original website